Sunday, April 3, 2011

365 Project - Day 93 - Victory

Life as Steven and I knew it is officially over. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a climber. There can be no more running to the kitchen for a quick drink of water. No more closing the bathroom door for a minute to relieve ourselves. No more stepping out the front door for a second to throw a disgusting diaper into the dumpster so it doesn't end up asphyxiating us as we sleep.

Cadence has been training for several weeks now, honing her climbing skills like an athlete setting out to scale Mount Kilimanjaro. Through all the trial and error and falling on her diaper-padded butt, Cadence's determination never wavered and tonight, at last, she tasted the sweet nectar of victory.

Now, we get to practice sitting on the couch instead of using it as our own personal trampoline.

Today's 365 Project entry is dedicated to our dedicated daughter and the first of many small victories. Congratulations baby girl! It's a whole different world from these lofty new heights. Now, if you would just sit on your butt and enjoy the view!

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